
Flour, water, salt.

Three ingredients that have sustained life around the world for thousands of years. Indeed, the oldest record of the existence of bread dates back to around 8000 BC. There is something so comforting about knowing that people all across the planet have passed down the tradition of mixing those three simple ingredients — flour, water, salt — and that they continue to fuel us today.


My name is Paulina and I am a Boston-based bread baker (how’s that for alliteration!). This is my hobby— I do it in my spare time because I simply love it. In my day job I work to help shape sustainable & equitable transportation policies. I started baking bread with gusto while I was in graduate school, a practice some refer to as procrasti-baking. For me, working with dough became a way to control a specific outcome. The process of weighing, kneading, shaping, watching the dough rise (and of course baking and eating bread) is incredibly meditative and relaxing.


In my early bread baking days I focused on commercial yeast breads (using packets of active dry or instant yeast). I made things like rustic no-knead loaves, focaccia, pull-apart savory loaves, bagels, dinner rolls, pizza dough, the list goes on. But during the Fall of 2018 a coworker introduced me to the world of sourdough. Sourdough is the oldest form of naturally leavening bread. Made up of wild, ambient yeasts and other good bacteria, sourdough uses the process of fermentation to create complex dough. It is a slow, meditative process. And it is magical.

Photo by Shaina Sawyer, Golden Door Photography

Photo by Shaina Sawyer, Golden Door Photography


My goal here, whether through yeasted or sourdough bread recipes, is to keep things simple and approachable. I want to build an army of home bread bakers who feel confident in the process and outcome. I do this because I love it, and by sharing my journey I hope to inspire you to love bread baking, too.

I live in the greater Boston area with my husband, Jared, and our cat, Nanook (both make frequent appearances on my Instagram account, @nokneadtoworry). Please follow along and tag me if you make any of these recipes! Thanks for being here!

